Heart of Devotion
Explore the living embodied practice of the ancient art and science of yoga
One Bhakthi Teacher Training
We invite you on a journey like no other. We will give you our full heart on our training and share with you our many combined years of living yoga. Covering the depths of yoga history, exciting philosophical topics and their application in the modern world, understanding of the body on the muscular, skeletal, neural and fascial level & of course into the soulful art of teaching. Our days will be spent together at One Bhakthi, a conscious collective community haven in the heart of Kathaluwa, Sri Lanka. Co-created from the heart that elevates wisdom and education from the application of study, devotion, embodiment of living yoga.
To step into any training requires commitment and dedication, what reveals on the other side is a realm of a deeper knowing and understanding of who you are and who you are becoming.We honour tradition while integrating modern lifestyle supported by research.
About the Training
Our unique training format will evoke deep personal & spiritual transformation and help you deepen in the path of yoga. Many students are curious and join the training not to teach, rather to deepen their practice and transition into a new phase of their life.
One Bhakthi Teaching Training is for dedicated students who are looking to become teachers or for those who want to deepen their understanding of the practice.
Our role as facilitators is to create an authentic space where everyone connects and feels comfortable bringing their truest self. Our Yoga philosophy is about living authentically from your heart and breathing in a sense of inner peace, from that peace radiating it outwards near, far and beyond. From this space, true yoga begins.
From our hearts to yours
Jules & Nizar
Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher teacher training is based on Patjali’s Ashtanga, eightfold path.
- Yama (restraints)
- Niyama (observances)
- Asana (physical postures)
- Pranayama (breathing techniques)
- Pratyahara (turning attention inward / sense withdrawal)
- Dharana (concentration)
- Dhyana (meditation)
- Samadhi (enlightenment / peace / bliss)
Our training has be created to explore each of the eight
limbs thoroughly with their application to the teaching and practice of yoga:
- Asana (Yoga Posture Practice)
- Philosophy
- Meditation
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Pranayama, Bandhas, Mudras
- Energy & Energetic Movement
Course Modules
Yoga For Life:
- History of Yoga
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
- The Upanishads/Bhagavad Gita
- Meditation
- Asana
- The Five elements
- The Chakra system
- Pranayama, Mudras, Bandhas & Mantra
- Ayurvedic Lifestyle
- Business of Yoga
- Ethics of Yoga
- The Spine & Musculoskeletal System
- Posture & Mechanics of Joints
- The Nervous System & Hormonal Systems
- Physiology of Breathing
- Practical Asana intensives:
- Surya & Chandra Namaskar
- Forward bending asanas
- Backward bending asana
- Twisting & lateral flexing
- Standing & balancing
- Inverted posture
- Alignment & Safety
- Adjustments
- Sequencing
- Clear language skills
- Learn self care tools
- Holding space
- Teaching to all levels, offering support and modifications
- Practice teaching, observation and feedback
Asana Practice
Guided daily practice and group asana labs/ posture clinics. You will learn the foundations of the key asanas. Learn how different bodies adopt these asanas and learn the variations of each pose. Deepen your own practice and give you the tools to teach others.
Subtle Practices: Meditation, Pranayama
Guided including pranayama, mantra, kriya, meditation. Learn different techniques that will help you deepen your own practice and give you the confidence to teach others.
Anatomy for Yoga
Improve your understanding of both the muscular skeletal system and “the subtle body” to help improve your own practice, and to teach and sequence safely with an anatomical confidence. Learn how to modify postures and teach
using props for different audiences
Philosophy & History of Yoga
Study the ancient teachings of yoga with a modern and practical lens through a combination of self-study, group work, lecture and seminar formats. We dive deep into the Eight Limbs of Yoga and explore how to incorporate these
teachings into your daily life. We aim to make the ancient teachings relatable to life as now. The body of philosophy we will cover is drawn from the yoga “sutras” and beyond, topics will include the definitions and history of yoga, “The
eight limbs”, kleishas, gunas, koshas, yogic deities and the relationship with Ayurveda.
Teaching : Theory & Observation
Learn intelligent, purposeful sequencing and theming, managing mixed level class with options, teaching with authenticity and presence.
Teaching: Practice
Teaching practice with guidance and mentoring. Progress with self-teaching to group and begin planning and preparing “your first class”, ready to teach a community class to the public Create and teach safe, intelligent and creative asana sequences for Hatha, Vinyasa and Restorative classes
Business of Yoga, Yoga Ethics, Health and Wellbeing
Learn how to develop your own business that aligns with you. Explore the ethics of Yoga and how this applies to teaching, self practice and boundary setting. Learn how to support yourself and your students.
Sample Schedule
6 days a week
We balance the structured learning environment with space and a varied schedule to keep learning optimal. You will expereince yoga in action as we guide you through the meaningful, transformative days.
- 8:00 – 8:45 am Meditation & Pranayama
- 9:00- 10:00 am Asana Led Practice
- 10:00am – 11:00am: Breakfast
- 11:00 – 1:30pm: Lecture, Discussion, Practical application
- 1:30 – 2:30pm: Lunch
- 2:30pm – 5:00pm: Lecture, Discussion, Practical application
- 5:00pm Completion of day
Course Information
Friday 21st March – Thursday April 10th April
Sunday 4th May – Saturday 24th May
Sunday 3rd August – Saturday 23rd August
Included in you’re training:
Breakfast, Lunch & Morning/Afternoon tea.
In depth training manual.
Skills to teach hatha and vinyasa yoga
Yoga Teacher Training Certification recognised by Yoga Alliance.
nce a month mentorship live/online over 12 months.
Accommodation Options:
Garden Standard Private Room Non/AC $2655
Single Private Room Non AC $ 2,766
Double Private Room Non AC $2885
Prices in USD excludes 10% government service charge.