Ayurvedic Marma Therapy Course

Promote healing, relaxation, and overall well-being

Introduction to Ayurvedic Marma Therapy Course

Marma therapy is an ancient Indian practice that involves stimulating specific points on the body known as “marma points” to promote healing, relaxation, and overall well-being. These points are believed to be vital energy centers where the body’s life force, or prana, is concentrated. Marma therapy is often used in conjunction with other traditional Indian healing practices such as Ayurveda and yoga.

Certificate upon completing this course. Participants will receive a certificate recognizing their achievement once course completed.

The therapy involves gentle pressure, deep massage, or manipulation of  marma points to balance the flow of energy, release tension, and remove blockages within the body. Stimulating these points alleviate physical discomfort, improve organ function, and enhance mental clarity.

To perform Marma therapy practitioners must have a deep understanding of the body’s energy systems and the specific locations and functions of each marma point. It is often used as part of a holistic approach to health and wellness, alongside other therapies such as diet, herbs, meditation, and yoga and martial arts.

A profound treatment, Marma therapy creates an opportunity to experience powerful and dynamic transformation at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, through connection to the higher mind and the subconscious.  The courses are designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and techniques of marma therapy, as well as practical hands-on experience.

Overview (Beginners Level Training)

  • Principles of Ayurveda and traditional medicine
  • Introduction to the theoretical foundations of marma therapy
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Musculoskeletal system
  • The nervous system
  • Yoga physiology Koshas Nadis Chakras Marmani
  • Concept of Prana ,Energy channels (nadis)
  • Marma Point Identification, Locations and functions of Marma points
  • Techniques and Applications
  • Ethics and Professionalism , Communication, Boundaries, Confidentiality, Professional Conduct
  • Hands On Practice

Advance Level Training

Available only to students completing the Beginners Level Training Course

  • Functional Energetics of Marma Therapy
  • Multiple Treatment sequence
  • Refinement of treatment methods
  • Identifying client conditions to apply appropriate treatment
  • Marma Points connection to mental and conscious states
  • Purification of the vessel (practitioner)
  • Sacred Arts – Mantras Vibrational techniques

Experience true healing and freedom